Baby Dust Fertility Oil ✨
This oil was created to help women dealing with fertility issues (Pcos, Miscarriages,
Trouble conceiving) Made with Spiritually blessed herbs and crystals like carnelian, and moonstone that aid in conception, discourages miscarriages, align your moon cycles, and help stimulate and strengthen the reproductive system. This oil May help
✨Discourage Miscarriages
✨Strengthens the reproductive system
✨Balances hormones
✨Restores balance between the body, mind, and spirit
✨Boost your libido
✨Increases your fertility energy
✨Alleviates pcos symptoms
✨Aligns your moon cycles
I recommend using this oil every day during your ovulation week to help increase your fertility energy
*May need to use more than once to increase your fertility energy- Varies by person
*Made with Sweet Almond Oil
*Disclaimer ~By law we are required to say that we sell these products as Curios. Products sold on this site are NOT to be internally digested unless sated otherwise. This product is not meant to replace medical treatment or intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any type of diseases