Enchanted Body Butter
Enchanted Body Butter 8 Oz Jar
✨Makes your lover pay more attention to you
✨Makes your lover show more affection
✨Makes ppl that like you feel drawn to give more to you
✨Makes ppl that like you give you gifts
✨Brings passion into the bedroom
✨Makes your man act right
✨Makes people lust after you
✨And much more
Perfect to use after taking a shower or bath for a long-term affect
*Blended Mango butter, Shea Butter, Coconut oil, essential oils and spiritual blessed herbs used for attraction with rose quartz powder
*Store In a cool place. Stop use immediately if you notice any skin irritation
*Disclaimer ~By law we are required to say that we sell these products as Curios. Products sold on this site are NOT to be internally digested unless sated otherwise. This product is not meant to replace medical treatment or intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any type of diseases